Do any of the ladies on here know of a good craft book that deals with pompoms? I know how to make them but I have seen on the net some beautiful things made out of them. I am asking because as many may know I used to do a lot of knitting but unfortunantely I cant hold the needles for long now and I very often have to drop it due to the spasmodic pains in my fingers.
There is a gadget out now that I had bought for me that can make the pom poms without having to cut cardboard as a pattern and Iam now after a good craft book that deals with both ideas and and what backing is used. I dont want to send for one off the net because very often they are NOT what they are cracked up to be. I am after something that is purely plain English and can be bought off the shelf or from a decent craft shop. I very seldom manage to get out so its not as if I can go to into town to look at the craft shops myself.
Any advice would be appreciated because I am feeling VERY frustrated with NOT being able to do the usual things an old biddy can do and I have loads of yarn that I could use up in some way because there is not enough to knit garments with if I passed it on to charity. Cheers All x x x