Pom Poms

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Pom Poms

Postby Maywalk » Mon Mar 12, 2018 8:09 am

Do any of the ladies on here know of a good craft book that deals with pompoms? I know how to make them but I have seen on the net some beautiful things made out of them. I am asking because as many may know I used to do a lot of knitting but unfortunantely I cant hold the needles for long now and I very often have to drop it due to the spasmodic pains in my fingers.
There is a gadget out now that I had bought for me that can make the pom poms without having to cut cardboard as a pattern and Iam now after a good craft book that deals with both ideas and and what backing is used. I dont want to send for one off the net because very often they are NOT what they are cracked up to be. I am after something that is purely plain English and can be bought off the shelf or from a decent craft shop. I very seldom manage to get out so its not as if I can go to into town to look at the craft shops myself.
Any advice would be appreciated because I am feeling VERY frustrated with NOT being able to do the usual things an old biddy can do and I have loads of yarn that I could use up in some way because there is not enough to knit garments with if I passed it on to charity. Cheers All x x x
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Re: Pom Poms

Postby Andere Richtingen » Mon Mar 12, 2018 11:34 am

Sorry, Maisie. I was going to suggest a trawl through Amazon but then saw your reasons for not doing that. I think I've only ever once in my life made a pompom, to adorn a woolly hat for small daughter and the poor, sad thing looked like the cat had chewed it.
Are you on Gransnet? It's worth asking the question there because it's such a busy site and someone almost always has an answer to any question.
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Re: Pom Poms

Postby Maywalk » Mon Mar 12, 2018 12:03 pm

Yes I am on Gransnet Andere but very seldom use it because it's too crowded for me.
Sounds nuts but I prefer a smaller forum.
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Re: Pom Poms

Postby Penny » Mon Mar 12, 2018 2:21 pm

Hi Maisie. Go into google, put in ... odd scraps of wool..and some super pictures come along with patterns. cheers Penny
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Re: Pom Poms

Postby Maywalk » Mon Mar 12, 2018 2:59 pm

Thanks Penny but I have tried that and unfortunately a lot of it involves knitting and fiddly bits plus sewing that is why I am looking at the pom pom craft. I cant hold the needles now but with the pom poms its just winding wool round the new fangled thing that I had bought me. Any of my family have said they will cut them or me because I cant grip the scissors properly now.
This is the sort of thing I mean ..............
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