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Banana and Rum Flambé

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2005 11:11 pm
by Orchidea
BANANA AND RUM FLAMBE A LA MO!! (one of my own!)

40g (11/2 oz) butter
4 ripe bananas, peeled and halved length wise
40g (11/2 oz) soft light brown sugar
2 tablespoons blanched almonds
2 tablespoons rum
( Other variations:- add cinnamon &/or pineapple rings, top with grated coconut or cherries).

Preparation and cooking time: 10 minutes

1. Melt the butter in a shallow pan add the bananas in a single layer and sprinkle on the sugar and almonds.
2. Fry the bananas over a moderate heat for about 3 minutes, then turn them and fry until they are golden brown on the other side.
3. Warm the rum, pour it over the bananas, set it alight and serve at once. Chilled whipped cream or ice cream to serve.

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2005 8:04 am
by Rowan
Now THAT Orchidea, sounds like MY kind of recipe!! :fing:

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2005 10:29 am
by Monsy
You can buy choklit flavoured whipped cream, you know :oops: