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A couple - re garlic

PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:47 pm
by Penny
Garlic has a tendance to dry out and shrink before you can use it all. Pop peeled cloves in a jar of olive oil. They will last for ages, you can also use the flavoured oil for cooking. If you do use some oil, top up with fresh oil to cover the garlic cloves.

Sprinkle a litte salt on a garlic clove so that it won't stick to the knife, chopping board or garlic press when being crushed.To remove the smell of onion, garlic and other strong flavours from your hands, rub them with a little dried mustard powder. Cold water and salt. Or, rub fresh parsley vigorously into the skin to release the juice. Or, rub your hand with a raw potato, lemon juice or vinegar.

To remove smell of onion or garlic from a chopping board, rub over with a cut lemon, salt or celery leaves.

Remember when using fresh garlic cloves, 1 crushed clove is equal to 3 chopped.

Finally, when garlic and onion are to be fried for a recipe, always cook the onion first until hot and tansparent before adding the garlic.

cheers Penny.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 10:45 pm
by Rowan
Thanks Penny more good tips there. I like the idea of storing in olive oil. Must remember that one particularly. :mrgreen: