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The Lazy Sod's Mincepie!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 2:58 am
by Sass
Make this exactly like garlic bread.

Mix a jar of mincemeat with as much unsalted butter as your concience will allow. (Mincemeat butter can be made in advance and kept in the friggy).

Slather this decadence between the slices of the loaf - (crusty unsliced loaf, sliced nearly to it's base) - garlic bread style. Spread the excess across the top.

Wrap it in foil and give it a belting in a high heat oven for about..10/15 minutes, then open up the top and give it a further zap for 5/10 minutes.

Enjoy it still hot-ish from the oven. You get the lovely soft sweet bread-y texture in the slices, and the crispy. crunchy outside.

Easy and delish.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 4:15 am
by Lacemaker
I like the idea of that. :banana: