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Clootie Dumpling

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2005 11:26 pm
by Rowan
Clootie Dumpling

1lb of Self Rising flour
1 teaspoon mixed spice
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 grated apple
½ pint milk
1 tablespoon syrup
1 tablespoon treacle
¾ lb mixed fruit
1 teacup breadcrumbs
1 teacup brown sugar
1 teacup shredded suet

Sift together flour, spices add fruit, sugar, breadcrumbs and apple then suet
Dissolve treacle and syrup in warm milk then add to mixture and mix into a soft dough.

Scald clootie in boiling water, dust with flour, turn mixture into clootie, tie securely leaving room, for growth, place an upturned plate in base of large pot put in enough water to cover dumpling, bring water to boil, place pudding in pot and boil gently for 3 and a half hours – don't let water boil dry.

Lift out carefully and dry off for 20 mins then 20 mins in warm oven.

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2005 10:36 am
by Monsy
Fry the leftovers next day with bacon, eggs, slicing sausage and fruit pudding.

For health reasons include a tomato...............

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2005 7:09 am
by Libby
if my husband sees this im done for..
he is always on about clootie dumplings
maybe today ..or maybe not..

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2005 9:20 am
by Pam
Monsy, when I read your last sentence 'for health reasons include a tomato" - it reminded me of my friend. Quite often on a Sunday morning she goes into Tesco for a breakfast. She was telling me about a man in front of her asking for two fried eggs and sausage. "That is so unhealthy" she said to me. When I asked what she had ordered, her reply was "Well, I had the full English but I did have tomatoes with mine!" :D

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2005 9:39 am
by Rowan
Good ones Monsy and Pam. I am rather partial to a cooked breakfast but mine consists of bacon and eggs - and tomatoes!! I long ago gave up the additional Scottish fare of fried bread/tattie scones/pancakes and even the black pudding has gone from my favourite breakfast. No matter I can still have my healthy bacon, eggs and tomatoes!! :twisted:

I LOVE Clootie dumpling but I have never fried it and had it at breakfast. It was always a birthday/new year treat (we used to have silver sixpences wrapped in greaseproof paper to find in ours too.