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Always Something Grrr ............

PostPosted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 7:37 pm
by Monika
For a few days now, we have been finding small beetles in our shower tray (dead or dying). So far there has been 11 of them and they seem to be dropping down at the side of a shower pipe that goes through the ceiling into the loft. There are also 2 we can see trapped in one of the ceiling lights above the shower.

Today, I examined the minute bugs with a magnifying glass and had a look on the internet to identify them and found that they are longhorn woodworm beetles. Brian's been in the loft and had a look and says that he can't see any holes in the attic timbers but, nevertheless, we will have to get professionals in just to make sure. One damn thing after another lately! :sad:

Re: Always Something Grrr ............

PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 11:17 am
by Andere Richtingen
Well, I guess the consolation prize is that they landed somewhere you were able to spot them easily and, hopefully, take action before they do any real damage. My recollection of woodworm treatment (from about 45 years ago) is that it was both expensive and smelly - but maybe your building insurance would cover it? Fingers x-ed there's no major harm done. :fourleaf: