Australian Election

Where to start a debate on items in the News or Poliitcal Debate

Postby ciderman_nz » Tue Nov 27, 2007 7:33 pm

What you lot need is MMP! :mrgreen:
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Postby Lacemaker » Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:28 pm

Max, I think it was more a case of an unpopular Opposition under the Beazly and Latham Leadership rather than a liking for John Howard that got him into Government during his terms of office, as witness him losing his own seat this time.........Rudd will have the support of his party while ever he stays in power and he and Julia Gillard (who I am not particular impressed by) worked as a very effective partnership. As I have said before - time will tell.

Two parties, Max ? What about the other member of the Coalition, the National Party, without whom the Liberals could not have become the Government on countless occasions ? Yes, a large percentage of the Green vote went to labor but the majority of these people would not have voted for the Coalition in the first place ! If they hadn't wanted their preference vote to go to the Labor Party then they could have redirected it otherwise - that is allowed.

Our ABC channel, whenever I have watched it, seems to me to be reasonably fair to each side - perhaps you view it as unfair because they have interviewed more of the previous Government's members than the Opposition's and given them a hard time over the policies they were following.

Costello has made it very clear in the past that he has wanted to be the leader of the Liberal Party and has admitted canvassing the other members of the Party a year ago - also witness the recent furore in July this year when 4 journalists stated that he had told them at lunch 2 years ago that he had threatened to retire to the back benches to cause as much trouble for Howard as possible in order to force him to retire. He did deny he had ever said that and then followed it up with the statement - 'it was off the record'. Mrs Howard had also said in a biography that John had never made a firm commitment to retire in favour of Costello. She added that many promises were made when canvassing for support but that unless it was a firm commitment then these promises didn't count - and John was not into firm commitments !

The swing in Cook, by the way, is predicted to be 6.2% to the Labor Party once the vote count has been completed - roughly the same size as the national swing. ... e/cook.htm
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Postby Sass » Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:23 am

I have not a shred of doubt Lacemaker that the Coward (according to a friend!) Regime held their vice-like grip on power because there was not an effective Opposition. The vote was against Labour rather than for Cowards Coward's.

Whatever; the people have spoken. Bias or otherwise from the ABC would hardly (didn't!), influence voting. As did not the Murdoch press nor the commercial channels who are certainly NOT Left-Wing biased!

It is hard though for those who had got so comfortable with such a self-serving, dictatorial, and bullying Government. For them we are going into the fires of hell!!!!!! A concept that they are all too familiar with.....

I guess one must have some patience with them; the transition to democracy is a difficult concept for them to embrace................

(I shall try very hard, but there will come a point when that will wear thin.)

Postby Max » Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:24 am

Sass, fires of hell is correct, we have been forced to live under the heavyweights of the militant Unions many times when Labour was in power. God help us is all I can say :)

Haze, according to the news this evening, on the radio, as most of the postal votes have been counted, where there were so many seats in the balance, 8 have been held by the Liberal Party, they have also managed to snatch another from Labor. Labour will not have the absolute majority at all, they never would have. They are going to encounter many headaches in the Lower House due to the Parties which comprise that one. Yes, we feel secure, confident and happy when the Liberal Party is in office, not so when Labour is involved. Julia Gillard had, I notced, elecution lessons in the same vein as Pauline Hanson, if you remember OMG lol

Daniel has today been attending a course on Solar Power, 80 billion dollars is committed to that, courtesy of the Liberal Party. It's the way to go to go.

The mood I've noticed has been sombre like however as we have our Federal Election every 4 years, it takes a few months for situations to settle down. If Labour don't get it right, they will be gone. Have been handed a booming economy, very low unemployment rate and every other bonus the Liberal Party managed to achieve in it's tenure.
Now, let's see how they fare. Wish Mrs. Mudd would get something done with her hair, she looks a tart :):) Must go am running very late to leave for this evening.

Postby Sass » Fri Nov 30, 2007 2:57 pm

Max my dear, do settle down. I know things didn't go your way but now you're getting into the realms of fantasy!

You seem to have quite a fixation with the 'forced' thing, would that have anything to do with supporting a Regime that was renowned for forcing the lesser privileged to it's way of dictatorial control, bringing in the most Draconian industrial laws that ANY First World country had seen for many decades?

And this whilst they indulged the powerful, adroit, and the very wealthy.

Don't be coy; tell the people in the UK how many workers were sacked without pay and entitlements whilst at the same time their executive heads got massive pay-outs. ( Yes folks I know this is going on both sides of the pond; and it will continue while the type of creatures we have just dumped are allowed into Government. These people unapologetically believe in the master/servant principle. They and their supporters are of the same ilk and they utterly disgust me!!!)

One group were lucky weren't they?? They got their P and E's; why?..............because the Prime Minister intervened. Why?.....

His brother owned the company.

As for your rather warped logic about the Parliamentary situation; excuse me???
Could you be referring to the Senate Max? I know you are upset, but your comments are a little misleading.....

The Senate is Lib controlled until July 2008; then the new political order comes into play and democracy is restored. Please do get your facts right.

Your poor decimated Liberals have a new leader Max. Difficult hey? The choice was a multi-millionaire smoooooth talking silvertail OR guess what?....a former Labor Party official and head of a Union!!....who was elected..

As I said, I know you are upset, but that does not excuse your grubby little comment about the new PM's wife's hair. Frankly Max; that says more about you than her...

OK. You have made a number of sweeping statements without any factual back-up. SO:-

1) What do you mean by "imports" ?

2) Where did you get your figure of $98billion foreign debt?

3) The percentages of support you quote from the smaller political groups to the Labour Party (post:27/11-2.22pm UK); where did you get those figures??

With respect to our UK comrades, I would rather not allow some of your statements to be considered as factual. They are not.

If you posted as you have on a Right/Left balanced Australian forum you would have had many responses to question your statements. (I stress a balanced Australian forum.)

However, please feel free to prove me wrong.

Postby Rowan » Fri Nov 30, 2007 5:56 pm

Actually, I may not know anything about Australian politics so can't possibly comment. However, I must agree that the comment about the PM's wife's hair, I thought was not only downright nasty but completely unnecessary.
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Postby Victors Mate » Fri Nov 30, 2007 6:37 pm

If the way people vote is dependent on whether of not the candidate is bald or if his partner's hair is a deemed to be a mess it is no wonder we get the governments we do.

Too many voters vote for the image and not for the substance.

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Postby Lacemaker » Fri Nov 30, 2007 7:05 pm

The term of office for a Federal Government is 3 years while the State Governments are voted in for 4 years.
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Postby Polter60 » Sat Dec 01, 2007 7:32 am

Compassion, caring AND common sense .......... in a politician ... when was the last time you saw that. Should be what they're aiming for ... but ..... sighs!!
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Postby Lacemaker » Sat Dec 01, 2007 8:58 am

I agree Polter ! :dunno:
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Postby Max » Mon Dec 03, 2007 2:39 am

Sass, I'm fine, unfortunately you do not know my sense of humour as Lacemaker does. I may say one thing but you cannot see the smile or twinkle in my eyes as I say it (can be a little tongue in cheek). I don't take life as seriously as you appear to :) here one day, gone the next.

Australia expects our Prime Minister's wives to show some sense of decorum. Did not Mrs. Rudd have a slight? problem to sort out earlier this year (business wise) which necessitated in her Husband being able to have a chance of standing to lead the Labor Party.

I've no probs. with Dr. Brendan Nelson being our new Opposition Leader, he was at one time Head of the AMA. AUSTRALIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. He will be there standing face to face with Rudd and I've no doubt whatsoever he is going to prove to be a worthy component :) Approx. 15 years ago my entire family, that's a lot of us, were invited to attend a close relative's wedding. We gladly accepted. The wedding service took place in the grounds of the Bride's parents home, the Reception at a 5 star motel which we were all staying at. As we returned from the wedding to attend the Reception which was held at Dubbo, Dr. Nelson and his Partner/Wife? were entering the upmarket dining room.
Talk about drop dead gorgeous. Met them at breakfast the following morning. The election has been held, the outcome has been decided although certain seats remain in the balance and now it's time to move on to events which are far more interesting.



Postby Sass » Mon Dec 03, 2007 8:12 am

I am going to be very frank and honest here, Max.

It is of considerable relief to me that I do not know you, or your rather warped and cutting 'sense of humour'.

It takes a fairly barren personality to put up a smiley when making a bitchy remark , as you have done.

''Here one day; gone the the next''. Any chance that you you would consider the concept? I'll get you a going away present as long as you do your part......................

( Folks; Therese Rein ((Mrs Rudd)) is a millionaire business woman who built her company up from scratch. Earlier this year one of her subsidiary companies unknown to her, were caught out on a workplace issue. It was corrected overnight. Rein and Rudd are a demonstrably 'in love' couple. She was visibly upset that this had happened and could affect him, and Rudd could see this and became quite choked up himself to see her upset. It was genuine, not something put on for the cameras. Rein has indicated that if her business interests affect his PM'ship; she will sell her company. It took the Liberal party quite sometime to trawl her business empire to find some dirt. BOTH major parties are capable of doing this and BOTH have. Rein's business interests remain a vulnerable spot for Rudd I must concede.)

There you go Max. No need to give sarcastic little hints. And Max? PLEASE don't you talk about decorum. It is [s]not one of[/s] your stronger points.;...................Max?? The AMA.The ''AUSTRALIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION'' , (thanks for that; I never did understand what AMA stood for........); a UNION. A UNION!
A long time Labour man; a Doctor, became head of a union.

SO?; 'drop dead gorgeous' is the new criteria for Liberal leadership. Okkkkkkkk....Any port in a storm.
The silvertail has already stormed into his office and bawled him out because he considered Nelson's party room leadership speech to be 'too weak, and lacking in leadership'. This from the man who was rejected as leader!!
How the mighty are vanquished eh?

Keep it up Max; and I guarantee you; you will stand very much alone.

Let us indeed move on.

Postby Max » Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:15 pm

SASS I have no idea how long you have lived in my
Country nor, if indeed you do, however you certainly do not understand the Australian sense of humour.

I too am delighted that I will never meet you for if, as you claim, to live in my Country, I'd feel very much inclined to suggest to you that you take youself and your lot and return to whence you came from asap even if the tax payer met the cost. How did you arrive here in the beginning, surely nobody in their right mind would sponser one such as yourself.
You are indeed a nasty person, undoubtedly the nastiest I've ever encountered on a forum.

Sorry, Rowan, but it had to be said :rolleye11:

Do you own homework on your first questions posed to me, I've more to do than teach you History :groaner:
Your comments regarding Mrs. Rudd are total baloney, if one were to run a successful business surely they would have their finger on the pulse in every aspect of that business?
I did with ours :rolleye11:

Postby Max » Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:17 pm

SASS I've no wish to debate this past Federal Election nor any other political matter with you in open company. we will leave it at that!

Postby Sass » Tue Dec 11, 2007 1:55 am

Now THAT'S more like it!! No more sarcastic comments; on with the old knuckle dusters eh? You keep them buffed up and ready to go don't you?

It takes you a little time to work up to your brand of offensive bile doesn't it?

"We'll leave it at that"? Really? didn't think you could stop me from responding did you?

So...., as you wish;cards on the table.

( Muchos apologies to those relaxing in the shade, but a gal's gotta do what a gal's gotta do..)

I LOATHE AND DETEST bully's and racist's Maxie; and you are both. I have no problem at all dealing with your kind; I do it professionally and I will do it personally.YOU are the ugly face of Australia.

It is precisely you and people like you who locked this country down for eleven and a half years. The self-serving; the greedy; the racist; and the plain vindictive and nasty.

And not very intelligent.........

So. In language you will understand:-

1) It is NOT your Country.

2) A 'seventh generation Australian' eh? So. You are an Aborigine!! Your comments are not very kind then are they?

3) By ANY standards you are either of 'convict'/migrant/or...aboriginal descent. Join the club ducky!!

4) People like you Maxie make the most ludicrous statements (usually designed to divide and inflame); which they NEVER back-up.

Because of course, those statements are untrue; dishonest.
THAT is the REAL reason you did not answer my questions; you couldn't.
Baloney? That from an expert!!

You are so embittered and twisted up with your own intolerance and hatred that you have completely missed the fact that the woman you refer to has made a success of her business while you are spending your time on this forum spreading your bovine excreta. So much for your success in business.

That was not your point though was it? Your point is to pour scorn on those who do not follow your narrow-minded self-serving and utterly bigoted principles.

And you are making a dog's bollock's of it. You show more and more of your pernicious character with each post you make.


What a coincidence that you should judge me as you have. It is reciprocal.

You are the most thoroughly unpalatable character I have encountered for a long time. Frankly your brand of nastiness is anathema to a forum like The Rowan Tree.

To that end;- I WILL take you on if you persist with your muck spreading on this forum until we are stopped.



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