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PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 10:34 pm
by megra
This is not my cat. I have never had a cat. She lived on this little sheltered estate when I moved in 8 months ago. She has lived here more years than anyone can remember. She has had at least two owners and a period of not belonging to anyone. She still has an owner. But she's at my back door every morning doing Garfield impersonations and barking commands for food. When I leave for work, she follows me down the covered walkway to the front security door looking resentful and when I come home at night, as I walk up the covered walkway, I become aware of being followed. I've stopped looking. I know who it is. It's Thingy on the scrounge. I've taken to singing Tweety Pie's song when I'm pretending not to notice her.

Tonight, she was lying in wait among my plants. When I came home from work, she staggered out with her eyes still screwed up from sleep. I hadn't even got in the door before she was shouting at me. So, naturally, I dropped everything and fed her. I even had to make a special trip out at lunchtime because Thingy has made it clear she doesn't like Felix, she won't eat Felix no matter what I do to disguise it. So we had to make a special trip to Sainsbury's because she likes Sainsbury's pouches. For all of 2 minutes tonight I was her bestest friend but then she had food to concentrate on and when her stomach was full she buggered off without so much as a by your leave or thanks for dinner. Ungrateful little wretch.

You can tell I'm smitten can't you?

This was Thingy when she still bothered to be my fwend and hang out with me:


PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 11:39 pm
by Rowan
I think she owns you Megra!! :twisted: :mrgreen:

PostPosted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 8:22 am
by widget
She knows where she is best off.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 9:43 am
by Monsy
She's lovely, and you are her bestest fwend as long as there is something in it for her!

I had five cats at one time. I think Felix changed their recipe, because after years of demolishing a tin in about twelvety seconds, they all turned their noses up and absolutely refused to eat it.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 11:55 pm
by Mgzy
Wee cat is the same monsy... Looks at me as if I fed her the bottom of the bin...

Has to be Kit e Cat fish dishes in pouches... non of that day old opened tin stuff for her...

and I dont blame her... imagine the same thing to eat all day...


PostPosted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 9:19 am
by Rowan
Dogs and cats seem to really enjoy the pouches much better than the tins.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 10:24 am
by Lacemaker
Many years ago when my daughters had a cat it was their job to feed her and get rid of the empty tins. When my sundeck was replaced recently I found any number of tops from the tins 'posted' down through the decking boards !

Bliddy kids ! :tantrum2: