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Rabbit rescue

PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 4:27 pm
by dejavou
A few weeks ago, one of my daughters neighbours had their pet rabbit escape and instead of looking for it, just washed their hands of the problem, got rid of the hutch and forgot about it ........

The rabbit was seen around the area and eventually my daughter and kids managed to catch it, so she had to go out and buy a hutch and run for it to live in, my youngest grand-daughter christened the rabbit Kiwi (DOH) all was going well 'til 4 weeks ago Kiwi gave birth, at first there was only sign of one baby which, strangely was running around the hutch quite early on, rather than being kept in the nest.

When it was 2 weeks old, my daughter uncovered the hutch early one morning to find Kiwi had bitten off two of the baby's legs, but the poor little thing was still alive, so she had to drown it, to put it out of it's misery.

She was gutted, as were the grandchildren, however after speaking to the vet, he said the baby was probably the runt, and sure enough, when she removed Kiwi from the hutch and investigated, there were two other babies alive and well.

On Thursday, she removed the nesting box and cleaned out the bedding inside and we saw the babies properly for the first time. They are so cute, one's jet black and the other is a lovely silver gray and now they are happily running about the enclosed run, watched carefully by Kiwi.

She has to take them to the vets in a couple of weeks time, to have them sexed 'cos if they're boys, they'll have to have the snip or she'll be over-run with bunnies and I think three is more than she planned on in the first place.

So now she has three rabbits, a hamster, two siberian Guinea Pigs, two goldfish and two dogs, it's like Noah's Ark!!!!!!!!

PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 5:51 pm
by Monsy
OOOOH how lovely Deja.

The wee one is wanting a rabbit for her birthday so I have all that to look forward to. :roll:

She is getting a guinea pig to go with it, if it lives as long as the last one I had,
I will be a gey old biddy!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:53 pm
by Emm
Ahhh, lovely story.

Some years ago, we got two rabbits from an animal sanctuary we belonged to.
We were assured they were sisters.
Oh no they weren't!!!!!